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The SoL-Mates is a conversational podcast that features reviews of Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes, custom cocktails, and fun segments.
The episodes of The SoL-Mates are typically between 45 minutes to 1 hour long. Though lately, they're pushing 90 minutes.
Yes... kind of... not really. The SoL-Mates is suitable for all ages. However, some episodes (read:almost all) may contain mature language or discussions that may not be appropriate for younger audiences.
Ask, and ye shall receive. Just drop us an email, or reach out on any of the socials.
Yes, indeed. The 4 of us met just after Devori and Joe were married, MiMi and Jeff were engaged. We all hit it off and have enjoyed each others company for well over 2 decades.
For a lot of people, alcohol is a social lubricant, and is (relatively) safe in moderation. Most episodes, we DO consume alcohol. And sometimes, we will overindulge. These occasions can either be fun, or cringey. But we don't want to encourage folks to do anything they're not comfortable with.
Look... we have lives.... and jobs...
Wait, we don't have to justify ourselves to you!
Definitely. We decided together that we would only have one Patreon Tier, and with it you get to participate in any livestreams; You will get some of the fun tidbits that don't quite make it into episodes; and you get the satisfaction of helping make this podcast possible for everyone. If you want to support us and help offset the cost of the Hosting Fees, then its only a $3 per month commitment.